Partner with Seneca College: Applied Research and Work Integrated Learning

December 2, 2021

Seneca College in collaboration with ventureLAB, will be hosting an interactive workshop to learn about two great programs, Applied Research and Work Integrated Learning.In the first part of the workshop, companies will learn about how they can accelerate innovation through applied research partnerships with Seneca. The workshop will cover the benefits of:

  • applied research partnerships
  • the process of initiating these partnerships and;
  • funding sources

So far 20 ventureLAB clients have completed applied research projects with Seneca. Troes Corp, is one such company who will share their experiences of partnering with Seneca.Following this, companies will learn about the Seneca Works Department, which focuses on career-related support for Seneca students and alumni as well as work-integrated learning (WIL). WIL is an experiential learning opportunity between Seneca, students and employers. We provide employers with skilled and job-ready employees from more than 70 programs across various industry sectors.

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