Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) Workshop

September 27, 2022

Join ventureLAB and MNP to learn about an innovative government tax credit program.

About this event

MNP in collaboration with ventureLAB, will be hosting an interactive workshop for entrepreneurs to learn more about SR&ED tax incentives. There are a number of Government Tax Incentive Programs available for Canadian businesses, one of the most significant is the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED). So join us and our expert, Neha Tiku - SR&ED Leader, Ontario Region at MNP to learn more.

What are SR&ED Tax Credits?

Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) is a Canadian government tax credit program aimed at encouraging businesses of all sizes to conduct R&D to develop new - or improve existing - methods, processes, services and products.

In this session you will:

  • Gain an overview of the new eligibility policy that was released by the CRA.
  • Learn an overview of the SR&ED program and understand how you can improve the net benefit to your company while meeting the compliance requirements in an efficient manner.
  • Understand the parameters and requirements for SR&ED claims.
  • Meet with experts who can work closely with you and your team to file accurate, clear claims.

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