Lab Occupier (team at Lennard Commercial)

The LabOccupier team at Lennard Commercial is the leading contract real estate team in Canada’s Life Sciences community.  We work exclusively with tenants and our knowledge and experience has made us the preferred commercial real estate services provider for lab tenants in need of laboratory space across Canada.

The keystone of LabOccupier Services is the Laboratory Needs Analysis that not only determines the requirements of a lab facility, it eliminates guesswork throughout the real estate process and significantly reduces tenant occupancy costs.  Equally important is the transparent process we employ that places tenants in a position to drive their real estate process instead of being driven by the process.  It is important to note that experience in life sciences commercial real estate is typically lacking on all sides of a real estate transaction in Canada (tenants, landlords and brokers) but it is critical to obtaining the right solution and the most value at the best price.